Keyword Index


  • Active Notes Acoustic Surveys of Potential and Active Notes in Ney with Contemplation for the Possibility of Increasing Potential Notes [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 77-97]
  • Aerophone Instrument Acoustic Surveys of Potential and Active Notes in Ney with Contemplation for the Possibility of Increasing Potential Notes [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 77-97]
  • Althusser Analyzing the role of state in H. Ibsen`s An enemy of the people with L. Althuser`s theory of ideological state. [Volume 11, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 5-19]
  • Artistic aspects of Videogames Signification of Video Game as a Contemporary Art Medium [Volume 11, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 115-128]
  • A Separation The Role of Decoupage in Orientation and Moral Judgment of the Audience: Studying Two Iranian Movies, The Glass Agency and A Separation [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 47-65]


  • Bahram Beyzaee “Typology of Drama “King Snake” based on Theory of Mythos “Frye’ [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 5-18]
  • Bakhtin A Reflection on BaKhtin's Carnival in Takht- e Hozi [Volume 11, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 21-33]
  • Beckett Reflexive and Political Embodiment in Samuel Beckett’s Krapp’s Last Tape and Catastrophe [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 21-36]


  • Chaharmezrab Faramarz Payvar's Compositional Techniques [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 93-115]
  • Cinempathy The Role of Decoupage in Orientation and Moral Judgment of the Audience: Studying Two Iranian Movies, The Glass Agency and A Separation [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 47-65]
  • Comedy A Reflection on BaKhtin's Carnival in Takht- e Hozi [Volume 11, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 21-33]
  • Comedy “Typology of Drama “King Snake” based on Theory of Mythos “Frye’ [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 5-18]
  • Compositional Techniques Faramarz Payvar's Compositional Techniques [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 93-115]
  • Contemporary Art Signification of Video Game as a Contemporary Art Medium [Volume 11, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 115-128]
  • Cultural Industries Content Analysis of Cinema Economic Policies after the Islamic Revolution States in Iran and Assessing Their Preferences and Performance Results [Volume 11, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 35-55]


  • Decoupage The Role of Decoupage in Orientation and Moral Judgment of the Audience: Studying Two Iranian Movies, The Glass Agency and A Separation [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 47-65]
  • Duration Narratology of Sequence Shot in the Digital Era with Emphasis on the Concepts of Time Order and Duration Case Study: Russian Ark [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 37-54]


  • Embodiment Reflexive and Political Embodiment in Samuel Beckett’s Krapp’s Last Tape and Catastrophe [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 21-36]
  • Epistemology Foundations of improvisation in the Iranian traditional music [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 97-111]


  • Face An Analysis of the Relationship between Face and Ethics in Cinema within the Framework of the Immanuel Levinas Case Studies: Close-up and A Separation [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 65-77]
  • Faramarz Payvar Faramarz Payvar's Compositional Techniques [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 93-115]
  • Farhadi An Analysis of the Relationship between Face and Ethics in Cinema within the Framework of the Immanuel Levinas Case Studies: Close-up and A Separation [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 65-77]
  • Foundations of improvisation Foundations of improvisation in the Iranian traditional music [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 97-111]


  • Gurkani The study of String instruments with bow in Safavid and Gurkanian era based on what illustrated on paitings [Volume 11, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 95-113]


  • Ideological State Analyzing the role of state in H. Ibsen`s An enemy of the people with L. Althuser`s theory of ideological state. [Volume 11, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 5-19]
  • Improvisation Foundations of improvisation in the Iranian traditional music [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 97-111]
  • Industrial Designs Condominium Ownership of Performing Arts (Puppet) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 5-15]
  • Industrial Property Condominium Ownership of Performing Arts (Puppet) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 5-15]
  • Iranian classical music composition Faramarz Payvar's Compositional Techniques [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 93-115]
  • Iranian traditional music Foundations of improvisation in the Iranian traditional music [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 97-111]


  • Joint Work Condominium Ownership of Performing Arts (Puppet) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 5-15]


  • Keyed Ney Acoustic Surveys of Potential and Active Notes in Ney with Contemplation for the Possibility of Increasing Potential Notes [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 77-97]
  • Kiarostami An Analysis of the Relationship between Face and Ethics in Cinema within the Framework of the Immanuel Levinas Case Studies: Close-up and A Separation [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 65-77]


  • Levinas An Analysis of the Relationship between Face and Ethics in Cinema within the Framework of the Immanuel Levinas Case Studies: Close-up and A Separation [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 65-77]
  • Lingual Strategies The lingual Strategies in Representing Verbal Violence of Persian Social Dramatic Dovies: Analysis Approach: Critical Discourse (Case study: five movies) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 27-47]


  • Manfred Jahn The mechanism of Monfaredian’s Windows of Focalization theory in creation of new narrations out of neoclassic plays Study Case: Tom Stoppard’s play " Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead” [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 15-27]
  • Modal Structure Faramarz Payvar's Compositional Techniques [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 93-115]
  • Moral Judgment The Role of Decoupage in Orientation and Moral Judgment of the Audience: Studying Two Iranian Movies, The Glass Agency and A Separation [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 47-65]


  • Narrative Narratology of Sequence Shot in the Digital Era with Emphasis on the Concepts of Time Order and Duration Case Study: Russian Ark [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 37-54]
  • Narratory The mechanism of Monfaredian’s Windows of Focalization theory in creation of new narrations out of neoclassic plays Study Case: Tom Stoppard’s play " Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead” [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 15-27]
  • Northrop Frye “Typology of Drama “King Snake” based on Theory of Mythos “Frye’ [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 5-18]


  • Other An Analysis of the Relationship between Face and Ethics in Cinema within the Framework of the Immanuel Levinas Case Studies: Close-up and A Separation [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 65-77]


  • Persian Movies The lingual Strategies in Representing Verbal Violence of Persian Social Dramatic Dovies: Analysis Approach: Critical Discourse (Case study: five movies) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 27-47]
  • Poetry and music Stress and tune in vocal music of Iran, needs and methods [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 117-131]
  • Popular Music A Survey on Street Music Genres in Tehran from 2001 to 2016 [Volume 11, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 77-93]
  • Potential Notes Acoustic Surveys of Potential and Active Notes in Ney with Contemplation for the Possibility of Increasing Potential Notes [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 77-97]
  • Puppet Condominium Ownership of Performing Arts (Puppet) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 5-15]


  • Reflection Reflexive and Political Embodiment in Samuel Beckett’s Krapp’s Last Tape and Catastrophe [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 21-36]
  • Related Rights Condominium Ownership of Performing Arts (Puppet) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 5-15]
  • Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead The mechanism of Monfaredian’s Windows of Focalization theory in creation of new narrations out of neoclassic plays Study Case: Tom Stoppard’s play " Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead” [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 15-27]
  • Russian Ark Narratology of Sequence Shot in the Digital Era with Emphasis on the Concepts of Time Order and Duration Case Study: Russian Ark [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 37-54]


  • Safavid The study of String instruments with bow in Safavid and Gurkanian era based on what illustrated on paitings [Volume 11, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 95-113]
  • Social Dramatic Genre The lingual Strategies in Representing Verbal Violence of Persian Social Dramatic Dovies: Analysis Approach: Critical Discourse (Case study: five movies) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 27-47]
  • State of Exception Reflexive and Political Embodiment in Samuel Beckett’s Krapp’s Last Tape and Catastrophe [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 21-36]
  • Stress Stress and tune in vocal music of Iran, needs and methods [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 117-131]
  • Subject An Analysis of the Relationship between Face and Ethics in Cinema within the Framework of the Immanuel Levinas Case Studies: Close-up and A Separation [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 65-77]


  • Takht-e Hozi A Reflection on BaKhtin's Carnival in Takht- e Hozi [Volume 11, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 21-33]
  • The Glass Agency The Role of Decoupage in Orientation and Moral Judgment of the Audience: Studying Two Iranian Movies, The Glass Agency and A Separation [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 47-65]
  • Time Order Narratology of Sequence Shot in the Digital Era with Emphasis on the Concepts of Time Order and Duration Case Study: Russian Ark [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2020, Pages 37-54]


  • Verbal Violence The lingual Strategies in Representing Verbal Violence of Persian Social Dramatic Dovies: Analysis Approach: Critical Discourse (Case study: five movies) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 27-47]
  • Videogame Aesthetics Signification of Video Game as a Contemporary Art Medium [Volume 11, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 115-128]
  • Videogame Ontology Signification of Video Game as a Contemporary Art Medium [Volume 11, Issue 22, 2020, Pages 115-128]


  • Windows of Focalization The mechanism of Monfaredian’s Windows of Focalization theory in creation of new narrations out of neoclassic plays Study Case: Tom Stoppard’s play " Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead” [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2020, Pages 15-27]