Content Analysis of Cinema Economic Policies after the Islamic Revolution States in Iran and Assessing Their Preferences and Performance Results

Document Type : Original Article




This article's goal is analysis of economic issues about cinema in after the Islamic revolution era and description of policymakers' attention to cultural economics in this area in order to states preferences and performances. Applied methods are content analysis and second data analysis. Data are consisted of documents, regulations and rules and states and ministries of culture's programs, and also interview with experts. None-arbitrary sampling is used for written policies and snowball sampling is used for interviews. Finally, after content analysis of samples, second data analysis is used for this study. The results show that in all studying periods cinema economics policies and preferences are changing in order of policymakers changing even in a state. In all states except the eleventh state, governmental regulation and participation is in the first three preferences of the states. The goals and preferences such as cinema screens developments in spite of policymakers' attention have not been successful. Production of Iranian films and increase of foreign films exhibition is one of the all states goals (sometimes unwritten) which successfully is done. On the other hand, policies like facilitation of production and exhibition permit in other states are missed.


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