Foundations of improvisation in the Iranian traditional music

Document Type : Original Article


1 P.hD. in Music.

2 Assistant Prof., Faculty of Music, University of Art, Tehran, Iran.



Improvisation is a form of supreme, most important and distinguished way of performance in Iranian music on which subject there has been so little amount of research invested, despite its impressive importance and influence. The kind of research conducted so far has mostly been related to introducing or mentioning the historical aspects of improvisation. Dealing with the epistemological aspects of improvisation and hence contradistinction of its shaping components is a momentous subject that has been neglected until now. This research is assembled using the analytic-descriptive method, qualitative analysis of the previous research, and reliance on personal experience. Hence, initially, eight components are introduced, explained, and codified by collecting the opinions of the improvisation expertise and as such identification of the alternate key vocabulary among them. Thence, to extend these components in such a way that they can have sufficient universality for the Iranian music, the two components “episteme” and “imagination” are also added based on the mystic, philosophical, ethnic musicology, and scientific resources. As a result, the present article derives the following ten titles as the forming bases of the improvisation: intention, expertise, existence, creativity, flow, tradition, episteme, memory, imagination, and real-time. Altogether, these subjects make the improvisation possible for the improviser. Education, tutoring, and the dissemination of improvisation would be possible through reinforcement and reliance on the above-mentioned components.


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