The lingual Strategies in Representing Verbal Violence of Persian Social Dramatic Dovies: Analysis Approach: Critical Discourse (Case study: five movies)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Prof., Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 P. hD. Candidate, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.



Verbal violence is a kind of lingual behavior and also is a form of social practice that entails the range of social structures, situational models, and linguistic codes which are appeared in the cultural system of a society, like the other social acts. These structures, models, and codes are prerequisites to the event of the lingual behaviors. The theoretical framework of this research is the Fairclough Critical Discourse Analysis Approach. The method of the present study is descriptive- analyzing, and the major aim of this study is to emphasize on the role of verbal violence of Persian movies with social dramatic genre, as an effective factor on the cultural and social structure of the society as well as determining the lingual strategies in representing this kind of verbal violence. This effect finally leads to differences in language usages and the kind of words selected. According to the face to face interactions of actors in movies as the participants in the discourses of these movies, the kind of words and grammatical structures and also the structures of the texts used in these movies are different. The results of this research show that in these movies, the context of a situation, type of discourse as well as social problems such as hopelessness, disloyalty, incorrect traditional beliefs, infant torment, addiction, the marriage of convenience and divorce are prerequisite to the event of the verbal violence. Finally, regarding the results of this research, metaphor, oath, curse, out of the common lexicon and taboo, reference, form of address, imperative and interrogative sentences, direct and indirect speech acts are lingual strategies to represent the verbal violence, and also social problems in these movies.


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