Condominium Ownership of Performing Arts (Puppet)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD. Candidate, IKIU, Qazvin, Iran.

2 Associate Prof., IKIU, Qazvin, Iran.



Puppet (in dramatic art) is one of the examples of industrial design and subcategories of industrial property. The doll is a part of collaborative work because the components creating the effect, although distinctly but eventually create a joint product that is in common use. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, whether explicitly or implicitly, there is no statement about the rights of the adherents to the actors of the reputation and popularity of the doll (performer artists, producers of audiovisual pages, recording and broadcaster organizations). It should be added, that for some reason (the Science of Law and Unity Criterion of Article 62 of the Electronic Commerce Law) this right can be considered the same for all parties. In conclusion, regarding the fact that each of the authors has the author's right, due to the commonality of the work and the rights of the neighboring, like the monopoly of concluding contracts with other organizations (regarding a puppet who has an individual personality and a good reputation obtained on a specific program) the right of defense in act of violence is mutual.


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