Keyword Index


  • Aeschylus The Flaws of Aristotle`s Judgment on Æschylus’ Seven Survived Plays [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 137-152]
  • Anime Intertextual study of Japanese anime Pictures with Iranian theme based on Gerard Genette's theory "Case Study: anime of Arslan Senki ". [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 21-34]
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry A comparative study of the story of The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and the animated film The Little Prince directed by Mark Osborne [Volume 14, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 107-127]
  • Apocalyptic Production and distribution tactics; Study of the components affecting global film sales [Volume 14, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 51-70]
  • Architecture Analysis of the Architectural Ideas and Concepts in the Marvel Cinematic Universe [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 101-121]
  • Aristotle The Flaws of Aristotle`s Judgment on Æschylus’ Seven Survived Plays [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 137-152]
  • Arslan Senki Intertextual study of Japanese anime Pictures with Iranian theme based on Gerard Genette's theory "Case Study: anime of Arslan Senki ". [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 21-34]


  • Boredom Analyzing the characters of the Incredible based on Heidegger’s existential death and its related concepts [Volume 14, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 87-105]


  • Casual Layer Analysis (CLA) Tura The North Khorasan Folk Drama of its Essence and its Decline (Based on the Understanding of the Producer, the Audience, the Text and the Texture and Casual Layer Analysis (CLA)) [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 23-38]
  • Children and Youth Film Interaction of Reading and Visualizing "Typographic Titles" in the Opening Sequence and Posters of Seven Children and Youth Films: Based on the Scott-Nikolajeva Theory [Volume 14, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 129-144]
  • Cinema Analysis of the Architectural Ideas and Concepts in the Marvel Cinematic Universe [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 101-121]
  • Cinematic Adaptation A Study of the Cinematic Adaptation of The Other One's Dad Novel Based on Genette's Concept of Hypertext [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 43-59]
  • Clausewitz Analysis of the Concept of War Based on Clausewitz’s Theory in the Leading Musical Works of Germany During Worlds War II [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 79-93]
  • Compass Multiplicity of Compasses and Registers in the Range of Iranian Male Singers’ Voice [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 61-77]
  • Composer Analysis of the Concept of War Based on Clausewitz’s Theory in the Leading Musical Works of Germany During Worlds War II [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 79-93]
  • Composition The Function of Visual Elements in Creating the Atmosphere of the Film (A Case Study of the Grand Budapest Hotel) [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 95-115]
  • Consumption Experience The Model of Theater Audience Consumption Experience: An Ethnographical Study [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 117-135]
  • Contemporary Composers Comparative study of New Music Notation in the Works of Contemporary Composers (Case Study: Banshee, Spatial Galaxy, Freeman Etude no. 2, Kontakte, 8'37", Rain Spell) [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 39-78]
  • Creative Show The Effects of Creative Show on the Recovery and Development of Creative Skills and Attitude of Mentally Retarded Children [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 8-21]


  • Dastgāh A Comparative Structural Analysis of “Segāh” Dastgāh/Mughām in the Classical Music of Iran and Azerbaijan [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 23-41]
  • Deadly Fascination Representation of the Femme Fatale Character as a threat to social order in Pre-Revolutionary Iranian Cinema: The Midnight Terror (1961), Blonde of our City (1965) and Woman and Her Dolls (1965) [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 5-20]
  • Deadly woman Representation of the Femme Fatale Character as a threat to social order in Pre-Revolutionary Iranian Cinema: The Midnight Terror (1961), Blonde of our City (1965) and Woman and Her Dolls (1965) [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 5-20]
  • Deleuze Creation and Analysis of the Concepts from Deleuze's Anti-Humanist View on Cinema [Volume 14, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 71-85]
  • Dramatic situations Production and distribution tactics; Study of the components affecting global film sales [Volume 14, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 51-70]


  • Educable Mentally Retarded Children The Effects of Creative Show on the Recovery and Development of Creative Skills and Attitude of Mentally Retarded Children [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 8-21]
  • Eighties of Iran Crystallization of Bakhtin's carnival in the writing of Iranian 80's screenplays [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 35-50]
  • Existential death Analyzing the characters of the Incredible based on Heidegger’s existential death and its related concepts [Volume 14, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 87-105]


  • Father of the Other A Study of the Cinematic Adaptation of The Other One's Dad Novel Based on Genette's Concept of Hypertext [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 43-59]
  • Femme Fatale Representation of the Femme Fatale Character as a threat to social order in Pre-Revolutionary Iranian Cinema: The Midnight Terror (1961), Blonde of our City (1965) and Woman and Her Dolls (1965) [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 5-20]
  • Film animation A comparative study of the story of The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and the animated film The Little Prince directed by Mark Osborne [Volume 14, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 107-127]
  • Folk Culture Tura The North Khorasan Folk Drama of its Essence and its Decline (Based on the Understanding of the Producer, the Audience, the Text and the Texture and Casual Layer Analysis (CLA)) [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 23-38]
  • Framing The Function of Visual Elements in Creating the Atmosphere of the Film (A Case Study of the Grand Budapest Hotel) [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 95-115]


  • Gerard Genette A Study of the Cinematic Adaptation of The Other One's Dad Novel Based on Genette's Concept of Hypertext [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 43-59]
  • Gerard Genette Intertextual study of Japanese anime Pictures with Iranian theme based on Gerard Genette's theory "Case Study: anime of Arslan Senki ". [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 21-34]
  • Globalization Production and distribution tactics; Study of the components affecting global film sales [Volume 14, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 51-70]
  • Graduate Studies in Music Research methodologies and thematic analysis of Masters’ theses statements of Music Composition in Iran from 2011 to 2021 [Volume 14, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 5-25]
  • Graphic Notation Comparative study of New Music Notation in the Works of Contemporary Composers (Case Study: Banshee, Spatial Galaxy, Freeman Etude no. 2, Kontakte, 8'37", Rain Spell) [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 39-78]


  • Heidegger Analyzing the characters of the Incredible based on Heidegger’s existential death and its related concepts [Volume 14, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 87-105]
  • Hyper-textuality A Study of the Cinematic Adaptation of The Other One's Dad Novel Based on Genette's Concept of Hypertext [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 43-59]


  • Image The Function of Visual Elements in Creating the Atmosphere of the Film (A Case Study of the Grand Budapest Hotel) [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 95-115]
  • Image Aesthetics The Function of Visual Elements in Creating the Atmosphere of the Film (A Case Study of the Grand Budapest Hotel) [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 95-115]
  • Iranian Cinema Metafiction in the 1390s of Iranian Cinema Based on Linda Hutcheon's Theory: a Case Study of two films “A Dragon Arrives!” and “A Hairy Tale” [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 5-21]
  • Iranian Modernity Representation of the Femme Fatale Character as a threat to social order in Pre-Revolutionary Iranian Cinema: The Midnight Terror (1961), Blonde of our City (1965) and Woman and Her Dolls (1965) [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 5-20]


  • Linda Hutcheon Metafiction in the 1390s of Iranian Cinema Based on Linda Hutcheon's Theory: a Case Study of two films “A Dragon Arrives!” and “A Hairy Tale” [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 5-21]
  • Local Drama Tura The North Khorasan Folk Drama of its Essence and its Decline (Based on the Understanding of the Producer, the Audience, the Text and the Texture and Casual Layer Analysis (CLA)) [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 23-38]


  • Main Character Exploring the mood- setting approach in dealing with positive and negative character arcs in movies : a case study of "verdict" and "god father" [Volume 14, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 27-49]
  • Mark Osborne A comparative study of the story of The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and the animated film The Little Prince directed by Mark Osborne [Volume 14, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 107-127]
  • Martin Heidegger Analyzing the Narrative of the Place and the Subject's Relationship with it from a Phenomenological Perspective on the Screenplay of “Tokyo Story” [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 71-99]
  • Marvel Cinematic Universe Analysis of the Architectural Ideas and Concepts in the Marvel Cinematic Universe [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 101-121]
  • Metafiction Metafiction in the 1390s of Iranian Cinema Based on Linda Hutcheon's Theory: a Case Study of two films “A Dragon Arrives!” and “A Hairy Tale” [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 5-21]
  • Methodology and Thematic Analysis Research methodologies and thematic analysis of Masters’ theses statements of Music Composition in Iran from 2011 to 2021 [Volume 14, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 5-25]
  • Michel Foucault The Study of Co-extensiveness of Biopolitics and Insanity Discourse in Shutter Island from Social Psychology Perspective [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 65-82]
  • Mikhail Bakhtin Crystallization of Bakhtin's carnival in the writing of Iranian 80's screenplays [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 35-50]
  • Mise-en-scène The Function of Visual Elements in Creating the Atmosphere of the Film (A Case Study of the Grand Budapest Hotel) [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 95-115]
  • Modern Composition Comparative study of New Music Notation in the Works of Contemporary Composers (Case Study: Banshee, Spatial Galaxy, Freeman Etude no. 2, Kontakte, 8'37", Rain Spell) [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 39-78]
  • Mokhālef A Comparative Structural Analysis of “Segāh” Dastgāh/Mughām in the Classical Music of Iran and Azerbaijan [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 23-41]
  • Moral Factor Analysis of the Concept of War Based on Clausewitz’s Theory in the Leading Musical Works of Germany During Worlds War II [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 79-93]
  • Movies Production and distribution tactics; Study of the components affecting global film sales [Volume 14, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 51-70]
  • Mughām A Comparative Structural Analysis of “Segāh” Dastgāh/Mughām in the Classical Music of Iran and Azerbaijan [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 23-41]
  • Music Composition Research methodologies and thematic analysis of Masters’ theses statements of Music Composition in Iran from 2011 to 2021 [Volume 14, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 5-25]
  • Music Theses Research methodologies and thematic analysis of Masters’ theses statements of Music Composition in Iran from 2011 to 2021 [Volume 14, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 5-25]


  • New Music Comparative study of New Music Notation in the Works of Contemporary Composers (Case Study: Banshee, Spatial Galaxy, Freeman Etude no. 2, Kontakte, 8'37", Rain Spell) [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 39-78]
  • Nikolajeva Interaction of Reading and Visualizing "Typographic Titles" in the Opening Sequence and Posters of Seven Children and Youth Films: Based on the Scott-Nikolajeva Theory [Volume 14, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 129-144]
  • North Khorasan Tura The North Khorasan Folk Drama of its Essence and its Decline (Based on the Understanding of the Producer, the Audience, the Text and the Texture and Casual Layer Analysis (CLA)) [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 23-38]
  • Notation Comparative study of New Music Notation in the Works of Contemporary Composers (Case Study: Banshee, Spatial Galaxy, Freeman Etude no. 2, Kontakte, 8'37", Rain Spell) [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 39-78]


  • Phenomenology of Place Analyzing the Narrative of the Place and the Subject's Relationship with it from a Phenomenological Perspective on the Screenplay of “Tokyo Story” [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 71-99]
  • Poetics The Flaws of Aristotle`s Judgment on Æschylus’ Seven Survived Plays [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 137-152]
  • Postmodern Metafiction in the 1390s of Iranian Cinema Based on Linda Hutcheon's Theory: a Case Study of two films “A Dragon Arrives!” and “A Hairy Tale” [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 5-21]


  • Rāstkuk Multiplicity of Compasses and Registers in the Range of Iranian Male Singers’ Voice [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 61-77]
  • Register Multiplicity of Compasses and Registers in the Range of Iranian Male Singers’ Voice [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 61-77]
  • Registration Multiplicity of Compasses and Registers in the Range of Iranian Male Singers’ Voice [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 61-77]
  • Representation Production and distribution tactics; Study of the components affecting global film sales [Volume 14, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 51-70]


  • Screenplay Analyzing the Narrative of the Place and the Subject's Relationship with it from a Phenomenological Perspective on the Screenplay of “Tokyo Story” [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 71-99]
  • Screenplay Crystallization of Bakhtin's carnival in the writing of Iranian 80's screenplays [Volume 14, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 35-50]
  • Segāh A Comparative Structural Analysis of “Segāh” Dastgāh/Mughām in the Classical Music of Iran and Azerbaijan [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 23-41]
  • Semiotics Analysis of the Architectural Ideas and Concepts in the Marvel Cinematic Universe [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 101-121]
  • Show Therapy The Effects of Creative Show on the Recovery and Development of Creative Skills and Attitude of Mentally Retarded Children [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 8-21]
  • Subject and Place Analyzing the Narrative of the Place and the Subject's Relationship with it from a Phenomenological Perspective on the Screenplay of “Tokyo Story” [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 71-99]


  • Theater The Model of Theater Audience Consumption Experience: An Ethnographical Study [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 117-135]
  • Theater as a Ritual The Model of Theater Audience Consumption Experience: An Ethnographical Study [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 117-135]
  • Theatergoing Motivations The Model of Theater Audience Consumption Experience: An Ethnographical Study [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 117-135]
  • The Little Prince A comparative study of the story of The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and the animated film The Little Prince directed by Mark Osborne [Volume 14, Issue 35, 2023, Pages 107-127]
  • Tokyo Story Analyzing the Narrative of the Place and the Subject's Relationship with it from a Phenomenological Perspective on the Screenplay of “Tokyo Story” [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 71-99]
  • Tura Tura The North Khorasan Folk Drama of its Essence and its Decline (Based on the Understanding of the Producer, the Audience, the Text and the Texture and Casual Layer Analysis (CLA)) [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 23-38]


  • Wagner Analysis of the Concept of War Based on Clausewitz’s Theory in the Leading Musical Works of Germany During Worlds War II [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 79-93]
  • World War II Analysis of the Concept of War Based on Clausewitz’s Theory in the Leading Musical Works of Germany During Worlds War II [Volume 14, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 79-93]


  • Zābol A Comparative Structural Analysis of “Segāh” Dastgāh/Mughām in the Classical Music of Iran and Azerbaijan [Volume 14, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 23-41]