Production and distribution tactics; Study of the components affecting global film sales

Document Type : Original Article


1 University of Tehran

2 irib



In the entertainment industry, globalization occurs when the activities of domestic media companies reach beyond their national borders and attract audiences and consumers in other countries. Movies are one of the most important entertainment industries. Movies have become a powerful medium that accelerates the phenomenon of globalization. Out of all the films produced, the list of the biggest box-office hits includes the films that have achieved the highest worldwide sales in history. But what are the components of the movies that have made these sales? The aim of this study is to find the most important features of the world's blockbusters. To this end, along with documenting the characteristics of the films, the stories of the films have been explored with a qualitative and descriptive analytical approach focusing on George Polti's 36 dramatic situations. The statistical population of this study is the list of the highest-grossing films of history, sampling of them includes the first 12 films of the list. The results show that daring enterprise and self-sacrifice for an ideal are the two main plots of these films. The superhero and apocalyptic ideals of these films are not limited to a certain land or country, but to save the entire planet and humanity. Although the heroes of these films have western faces, they show well the human emotions that are not specific to a particular region. All the films have used at least one world famous actor and in choosing the name of the film, differentiation has been the most important strategy of these films. Action-adventure and science-fiction genres, production and distribution by the global "big six companies", reproducing previous successful films, using acting stars, participating in various art festivals and winning awards, and having a budget higher than usual for each Genre have been the most important features of blockbusters. The production and distribution companies of these films have focused on people who are constantly watching the film. Analysis of the findings also shows that these feature films form a concept of the universe that is consistent with ideological beliefs by presenting an alternate version of reality.
