Analysis of the Architectural Ideas and Concepts in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Khatam University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Architecture, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.



Using visual signs in the design and architectural landscaping of the scene in the Marvel cinematic universe creates the concept of the place and brings metaphorical and implicit messages during an adventure story. Considering the semantic concepts and ideas of architecture and the development of design methods in the contemporary period, this topic can create a proper connection between the identity-building elements of architecture and the identity-giving scenes of the superheroes of the story, while expressing the story powerfully. This study was an attempt to identify explicit and implicit signs in processing and measuring the compatibility of common architectural indicators in buildings related to the superheroes of the story and characterizing the content of Marvel cinematic universe. Thus, the primary question of this study is what is the compatibility of architectural signs in story scenes with the characterization of Marvel superheroes?  For this purpose, the present study’s method is descriptive in nature and relies on content analysis in a qualitative-interpretive paradigm and semantic and linguistic semiotics. It tries to read the meanings and metaphors, and the implicit link in the ideas and concepts of design in the housing building or the primary centers of activity in Marvel cinematic universe. The results show that each superhero created by Marvel, with a unique personality and special abilities, takes its own story path. In this regard, based on the characteristics that the writers have created for the afore-mentioned characters, in addition to the synergy of people together, formal, functional, and conceptual commonalities can be seen in the emergence of the design concepts of the houses of Marvel superheroes and their primary activity centers. This issue has been changed to some extent by the differences and the unique characteristics of each character or place by referring to adjectives such as "breeze and brave", "powerful in the sky", "hidden and powerful", "optimal and efficient", and having "power", "speed", "boldness", "flexibility", and "having high knowledge and intelligence". Therefore, while maintaining great diversity, the common activities of the characters have helped form a certain identity. 
