Crystallization of Bakhtin's carnival in the writing of Iranian 80's screenplays

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Art, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Art and Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Unit, Tehran, Iran

2 Construction, art and architecture of research and science Azad university



In this research, it has been tried to examine Iran's screenplays in the 80s by focusing on carnival elements derived from the concept of carnival, which is one of the most important concepts in the opinion of the Russian thinker, Mikhail Bakhtin.
The nature of Bakhtin's carnival is a critical approach to the existing conditions of society, which is formed in the context of the confrontation between official and unofficial culture. Popular culture creates an equal social position so that a dialogue can be formed without the dominant voice. In the shadow of free speech and listening, polyphony is manifested based on grotesque characteristics and laughter that is flowing in the heart of the society. The characteristics that make a text carnival include polyphonic discourse, grotesque realism, laughter, freedom, equality, inversion, relativity and opposite concepts, disobedience to the ruling power, play, mask, madness, banquet and death. By studying how these components function in the three main elements of character, action and screenplay structure, the present research tries to understand the concept of carnival and its components, and get a new understanding of the use of this concept in dramatic literature, especially the scripts of the aforementioned decade.
This research was carried out in a descriptive-analytical way with the aim of understanding the concept of Bakhtin's carnival and its appearance in Iran's screenplays in the 80s in a selection of works of this decade with titles such as Bread, Love and Motor-thousand, Game Rules and Twenty. The findings show that the function of carnival components in writing screenplays, according to the critical situation in the cultural and social context of the early to late eighties, based on the political atmosphere of each period, underwent changes and developments of that year. Therefore, what can be seen in the selected texts is the influence of the characteristics of carnival in the general atmosphere of the works, which according to the period of writing of that work, the aspects of some carnival components are dominated by carnival compared to other components. Its values fluctuate. Since the field of art is a suitable place for the growth of society, it is understood that by combining art and the theory of carnival in order to criticize and express the cultural and social issues and problems of the society, it is possible to create works to advance constructive goals in society.
