Tura The North Khorasan Folk Drama of its Essence and its Decline (Based on the Understanding of the Producer, the Audience, the Text and the Texture and Casual Layer Analysis (CLA))

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Bojnord, Bojnord, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Science, University of Bojnord, Bojnord, Iran



Tura was one of the manifestations of the folk culture of the North Khorasan peoples, which has been forgotten today. This cultural effect was originally one of the satirical and critical theatrical rituals of the people of that region. The current research is qualitative and with the aim of describing Tura and understanding the causes of its decline, it is based on the paradigm of interpretivism, which has used description to understand Tura and the method of casual layer analysis (CLA) to discover the causes of its decline in recent years. The results of the research on the understanding of Tura based on the fourfold understanding of producer, audience, text and context show that Tura is a kind of comedy of manners and etiquette that was produced in the texture of the lower socio-economic class of society and had an audience in the same class. Due to having characteristics such as criticizing the rulers, making people happy and entertaining, improvising, transferring literary heritage, playing music and singing, they are closer to Gosans than gypsies and tricksters. The Tura text is a fluid text, dependent on place and time, which has witnessed changes in all four areas over the years. Also, the results of the research in understanding the reasons for the decline of Tura, the luxury of the ceremony and diversity in the ways of holding ceremonies (litany level), changing the contexts of Tura performance and changing the habitual nature and the changing taste of leisure (level of systematic causes), the tendency to create a class distinction between the audience and the performers of Tura and the influence of popular culture (level of worldview), globalization emphasizing the decline of traditional metanarratives or everything that is modern is far from tradition (The level of metaphors and myths) remembers.
