رهیافتی پدیدارشناختی - هرمنوتیک نسبت به سینما

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشجوی دکتری فلسفه، دانشگاه اصفهان، استان اصفهان، شهر اصفهان

2 استادیار گروه فلسفه، دانشگاه اصفهان، استان اصفهان، شهر اصفهان


فهم پدیدارشناسانه سینما، در حوزه فلسفه سینما قرار می گیرد. در پدیدارشناسی متعارف، وابستگی سوژه و
ابژه به یکدیگر مطرح می شود، اما در روش پدیدارشناسی  هرمنوتیک هیدگر، به نوعی دوسویه سوژه  ابژه
کنار می رود و جای خود را به در  عالم  بودنِ دازاین می دهد. بر همین اساس، پدیدارشناسی هیدگر متقدم،
راهی برای فهم امکانات وجودشناسانه دازاین می شود. پدیدارشناسی در نظر هیدگر متأخر، بدل به امکانی
برای اندیشیدن می گردد و در واقع شیوه ای هرمنوتیکی را برای تفکر در ظل تاریخ وجود شکل می دهد. گادامر
لوازم پدیدارشناسی هرمنوتیک را در تفکر هیدگر بسط می دهد و با آموزه هایی چون رد تفکیک صورت از
محتوا در فهم اثر و توجه به عالم، تمهیدات مهمی را در این روش، ایجاد می کند. در پدیدارشناسی متعارف
سینما، دیدگاه هایی واقع گرا یا نشانه گرا در باب چیستی فیلم و نحوه درک مخاطب بیان م یشود. در نگاه
پدیدارشناسی هرمنوتیک، با نفی تفکیک صورت از محتوا و توجه به آموزه عالم و تکنیک می توان سینما را به
مثابه عالم منکشف از مجلای تکنیک سینمایی فهم کرد


عنوان مقاله [English]

A Hermeneutic-Phenomenological Approach to the Cinema

نویسندگان [English]

  • mahdi nazemi gharah bagh 1
  • mohammad javad safian 2
چکیده [English]

“Phenomenology of film” could be defined in the field of philosophy of film, which itself is a growing
subfield of contemporary philosophy of art. According to current essay, it is clear that Hermeneutic-
Phenomenology, declaring by Heidegger and expanding by Gadammer, has more possibilities for
thinking in contrast to the classic Phenomenology, growing by Husserl and many of his followers.
Hermeneutic-Phenomenology in the line of the unity of Heidegger’s thought shows the unity of the
relations between man and Being in a resonating way. Attending phenomenology of art in Heidegger
reveals proper notions (such as world) which could be used for phenomenologically thinking about
the truth of cinema. Gadammer, too, applies Heidegger’s phenomenology of art as a model of understanding,
but not exactly going on his way. Some inquiries using phenomenology for film theory
such as Allan Casebier, Daniel Yacavone and Malin Wahlbergs attempt to show not enough succeed,
because of the problems such as lack of illuminating the cinema in itself, lack of paying attention to
the cinematic capacities of other theories, and lack of passing the current subjective way of thought.
Criticizing many views about Heidegger and film also shows rare attention to the way in which Heidegger
suggests to think, and instead using Heideggerian concepts to define cinema. Some of these
views including many philosophical essays about thin, red, line are only attempts to show probable
philosophical as well as poetic capacities of cinema and not examining and declaring the way these
capacities absolutely may be. While some other writers as Robert Sinner brink pay attention to cinematic
technique more and try to clear a Heideggerian point of view according to his opinions about
technique, arts, poetics, etc.; he also cannot explain how the cinema has the ability to be poetic, while
his interpretation about Heideggerian poesies is awfully wrong. But, following Hermeneutic-Phenomenological
way to think about cinema, attending inspirations from Heidegger in concepts such as
technology, world, Dasein, world-picture etc. helps to enclose the truth of cinema. This essay comes
close to cinema in a hermeneutical manner, to see cinema, movie or film -as what it really is – and
not from the viewpoint of its theories. Therefore the authors explicated Heidegger’s main viewpoints
about Gestell, Gebild etc. and came close to the truth of it. Although this may not be enough, and the
cinema should be interpreted according to its history. Finally, using Gadammers term, game, unfolds
cinema as a technological world, sharing by both filmmakers and viewers, considering a determinate
culture - a definitive world - for ordinary viewers of movies, who look for entertainment in watching
motion pictures. This article does not necessarily deny the probable capacity of movies for representing
several thoughts and values - regarding Heidegger’s authentic Dasein or world - after the mentioned

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Hermeneutic-Phenomenology
  • World
  • Philosophy of film
  • Phenomenology of film
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