Iranian Cinema as a Vehicle for Political Thinking: from 1953 to 1979

Document Type : Original Article



As a modern art, Cinema has played a crucial socio-political role during the last century throughout the world. However, Iranian cinema, which has been imported from Europe only 5 years after the invention of the apparatus, has not recognized itself as the vehicle of this intellectual potential till decades later. Indeed, it is only after the 1953 Coup against Dr. Mosadegh that Iranian cinema becomes a narrator of socio-political critique over the Iranians disastrous life-world and though relates this disaster to the political tyranny of the Pahlavi dynasty, finds its root in popular ignorance and confusion. In the end, seeking ways to a good society, cinema explores human existential aspects of love and friendship as the conveyer of change and shows that based on an Avant guard leadership, the revolutionary practice is possible. Reviewing different narratives in this genre in Iranian cinema, the present study attempts to explore different aspects of Political thinking. 


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