Comparing the effectiveness of designing the blended learning environments with program-based pedagogical theater & creative drama method

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student of Educational Technology. University of Allame Tabatabaee. Tehran. Iran

2 Associated Professor. University of Tarbiat Modares. Tehran. Iran.

3 PhD of Art Studies, University of Shahed. Tehran. Iran


Design of learning environments is carried out in different ways. Any form of design will have demonstrated
different educational and cultural effects. In particular, these designs possess certain sensitivities within
blended educational systems. In the present study, blended environments that benefit from both the
advantages of e-learning and real-world environments are designed according to creative and programbased
education environments. The statistical group included 950 pre-school recruits in 32 classes of in
Asadabad city. The cluster random sampling method was employed in which 80 persons in four classes
were selected among 20 persons in each class. The research method was quasi-experimental in which four
groups were placed in Solomon’s design. The data collection instrument included two tests, a 25-question
test for learning computer concepts with the reliability of 83%, and the other, and a 25-question test for
retention of computer concepts with the reliability of 83%. After data analysis, the results of one-way
variance analysis showed that significant differences exist between groups of participants (p<0.001). The
result of LSD post hoc test indicated that the communities placed in blended learning environment with
the creative drama method proved better in learning and retention compared to the communities placed in
blended learning environment with the program-based collaborative theatre method.
