Obstacles in the Assessment & Valuation of Music Performance

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty Member, Department of Music, University of Art, Tehran, Iran.

2 MA in Music, University of Art, Tehran Iran.


The accurate and conscious performance, as desired by the music community, has always been one of the major concerns of the players engaged in the scientific and academic acquisition of this field. To achieve this, the assessment and valuation of music performances by the professors and professionals can be noted as the most important academic means in order to distinguish between accurate and inaccurate performance in line with providing patterns and training the players. However, is it possible to assess music in a quantitative manner followed by marking its performance? If positive, based on which criteria and standard? Composing music and translating it into text, or in general, scores and revising and performing it depend on factors which are less adaptable to the current scientific-academic approaches of the date. In addition to the impact by the music that has constants and variables --just like a living phenomenon-- we have the player, the composer and the audience on the other hand, each with their intellectual and physical complications that can affect the valuation of music performance at different levels.


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