Genderlect and its Rule to Create Action and Character in Radio Drama

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty Member, IRIB University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Prof.,Department of Human Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 MA in Writing for Radio, IRIB University, Tehran, Iran.


RADIO is an audio media in which language plays a major role. Language is the main element in a radio drama. Audio elements in radio drama has the essence of drama and language among these elements, has a very important and special seat. What an audience takes as gender, is just a performer speaking voice. This feature helps the performer to play out of his/her own gender by only switching/imitating voice. But voice is not the only way to discover the gender, the manner of talking and feelings of the performer are also good detectors for audience to discover the gender. Thus, if we want to know the” action” and thoughts of a character, it’s important to know his/her gender through his/her speech. Establishing a good relation between audiences and the media is the core that would happen with language and the acceptability level of performer’s speaking manner. Language is social phenomena and a social structure pattern. People use their language not just to reveal their ideas or emotions but to describe their relation to get their identification. Thus, it is in a radio drama that “gendered language” can show its importance. Linguistics of gender is a well-known concept in linguistics. It has been examined widely to gain varied theories about linguistic manner of male and female which is used consciously or unconsciously in our daily life among the wide range of people. Gendered language governs the language of both sexes and we are witnessing its intentional or unintentional use in our life, in a way if people avoid it, others will notice or may be offended. ”gender” differs “sex”. Gender is a package of behaviors, roles, acts and social thoughts that prevailing culture in every society dictates to both male and female sexes. Gendered language is a language property that makes phonetic and semantic diversity based on what social culture dictates to male and female. Regarding this, knowing the “action” and thoughts of characters should be based on knowing appropriate utterance of the gender in a drama. In the following research after studying the “gendered language” features, we will dig its uses in radio dramas to clarify its influence on creating “action” and “characterization” in a dramatic work. At the end what we will conclude, helps us with “dialogue scripts” to make them in proportion with “character’s gender” and achieving to a “dramatic characterization”. Regarding the theoretical Foundation of the research (gender pattern) and after qualitative analysis of the content of 10 performed radio drama on RADIO JAVAN channel during 80th, we found out that gendered language has different features for male and female. These features are listed in five categories of time, manner, kind, shape and title of speech. It will also be known that using gendered language leads to creating “character” and “act”. Gendered language nurtures characters and displays acts by two contradictory equivalent forces.


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