The Analysis of Features of Catharsis in Music and Dramatic Literature and its Reflection in Western Painting and Printmaking

Document Type : Original Article



The purpose of writing this article is to analyze different factors and features of catharsis in music and dramatic literature and the influence of it in creating narratives and play scripts and also its impact on visual arts particularly in western painting and printmaking. In fact, catharsis is not only found in dramatic literature or poetry, but we could witness its impact on both audio and visual arts. Therefore, in order to recognize and comprehend the factors and influences of catharsis in different art forms (particularly painting and printmaking), we have to first answer the key question of this research which is whether the elements of catharsis only feature in dramatic literature and play scripts or we can also perceive its appearance in other forms of art. Regarding outcomes and conclusion, we found out that catharsis has not only appeared in dramatic literature, theatre or cinema but its footsteps can be seen in music, painting, printmaking, bas relief, sculpture and many more different forms of arts. As a result if we consider factors and features of catharsis have been presented in showcasing different stages of a play script, theatre or cinema, or in the span of a piece of music, hence this element has been featured in painting by single or multi panel canvases or it has been conveyed to the audience by one or more copies of printmaking (gravure) or by one or more than one panels in bas-relief (storytelling bas-relief) or by using one or multiple numbers of sculptures -which are positioned in one place together-. Research method: Analytic –Descriptive. References are from library resources and in some cases from reliableinternet websites.


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