The Position of Reality in Transition from the Analog Movie to the Digital one

Document Type : Original Article



From the beginning of cinema invention, the problem of relation between reality and the cinematic
image has been very important for filmmakers as well as the scholars. Cinema’s dependence on technology,
as one of its basic features, has led to the main causes of theoreticians, disagreement about
films. With the arrival of digital technology in movie production and distribution, two basic issues
became important; higher reproduction power of digital technology in comparison to analog one
(while the copy images had the lower quality than the original ones), and creating realistic images
by using this technology than analog images. These issues have been created a new challenge for
representing the reality in cinema. So the question of this article is: What condition reality has found
in transition from the analog cinema to the digital? The descriptive-analytical method is used for this
article. The theoretical framework of this research is based on the concept of sign in C.S. Peirce’s
viewpoint and Baudrillard’s post structuralism approach. Semiotic analysis of cinema technology can
look for the type of signs and how they refer to reality, in the message of this media. The result of this
study makes clear that the produced signs by the cinema, in analog era, due to a mechanical recording
technology, are also depending physically to object and somewhat similar to it, and thus these are the
indexical-iconic signs. The analog film technology has advanced so much that this similarity is obvious.
But in digital filming, the factor which joins the images to their reference is the figures that set
in binary based. And according to that symbolic aspect of sign saying that is based on contract, here,
the image can be seen as symbolic-iconic sign. But in Baudrillard’s perspective, with the arrival of
digital technology, gradually the relationship between cinematic image and real signified or reference
is completely disconnected. Real reference is replaced by reality in the virtual world that is Called
“hyper reality”. This type of reality has been used to make an illusionary reality and it has dominates,
the images made by digital technology by the apparent similarity with reality. On the other hand, due
to the ease of digital filming, and create the possibility of producing and publishing images, infinitely,
in the virtual spaces, the signifiers that are produced, can only refer to one each other.


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