The Structure of Location Based Drama in Television

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor


Nowadays many Television Serials are produced that location plays a key role in shaping their contents and drama structures. In television, these kinds of programs are structurally categorized as Location Based Dramas. Apartment Drama is a special genre of Television Dramas in which characters are going to play in places such as home and apartment complex. Apartment Drama is based on its characters’ lives and stories and real themes. Location is a core element of the content and drama structure. In order to draws the audience, apartment drama are based on themes such as marriage proposal, love and family life within the known locations. These kinds of dramas are close to what happens in real life and they can reach a wide audience. Although these kinds of dramas have a particular place in international television programing and in Iranian television productions as well, they have not been studied properly. Therefore, this study tries to answer the questions about Apartment Dramas: What are their specificities and which dramatic structures they have? What are the differences between these kinds of dramas and other versions of Television Dramas? And what is the cost effect of their production on the quality of such programs? The technique used in this study to answer these questions is library based and structurally analyzing all kinds of Television Dramas. Based on the results of this study, the structures that fit these kinds of dramas have been suggested and some examples of Apartment Dramas in Iranian Television Productions have been given.


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