The Survey Aspects of Performance, in The Dramatic Rituals of People Living in Komijan Region, Iran

Document Type : Original Article



The present study tries aimed to survey the different cultural aspects and social roles of women, in
the seventy-eight performing and non-performing ceremonies of Komijan, Millajerd and 67 other
subsidiary villages, which have been collected through a field method during years 2002 – 2009.
There are 206 villages in Komijan city fabric, and over 45000 inhabitants, that almost half of the
total population is women. People talk in three languages: Tati, Persian and Azeri. The authors’ field
studies in 16 months have covered 67 villages. Finally, the category, and this dramatic discovery of
48 local laws has led Becker and very old. Women are the main actors in their ritual and ceremonies.
Results indicate that in addition to the classic position of Komijan women as “Kad-banou” (dame,
Queen of the House) which has been inherited from ancient periods, they have had an official presence
in many social activities such as agriculture, animal husbandry and administration outside the
home. In the cultural establishment of Komijan villages, there is a kind of division of tasks between
men and women from long times ago, and women as a part of rural society, have allocated key parts
of social participation chain to themselves. Therefore, it could be said that over 80% of traditional
dramatic performances are allocated to women, and the men have no right to participate in them. This
paper has been set based on the method of participatory using interview and filming technique in the
research field.


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