Effect of Cut-out Technique in Designing the Characters as well as Movement in Iranian Animations

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.A. in Animation, University of Arts

2 Lecturer of University of Arts


The cut-out technique is a well-known name in the animation world and can be said it is the first technique
that has been used in the animations of the world (and Iran) because of the ease and simplicity
of its implementation. High similarity of cut-out technique characteristics with the Persian traditional
paintings may be concluded that the cut-out is the only technique that can be used for the atmosphere
of Iranian animated features, as well as other techniques. However, the ability for applying the Iranian
handicrafts textures such as Gelimbaafi, Pate’duzi, Moarragh , etc. In this technique mentions us
the compatibility of this technique with Iranian culture and art. At the first glance, cut-out technique
does not include the difficulties and complexities of work in comparison with common techniques of
animation-making, but during its execution, it is absolutely necessary for the sensitivity and accuracy.
Nowadays the mentioned technique is applied in the way of the Iranian animation-makers for saving
the time, manpower and facilities required to be widely used. The main goal of this article is investigation
about the effect of cut-out technique on the design of Iranian animation’s character (viewpoint:
structural, beauty, etc.) and also will be studied the effects of this technique on the movement of characters
under the camera and the software environment. In addition, it can be said that it is an essential
tendency of Iranian artists that applied the cut-out technique in the Iranian animation-making. This
article reviews the history of cut-out technique for answering the following questions:
- How is the process of designing and movement of characters under camera and computer space in
the cut-out technique animation?
- What is the difference between movement of character under camera and computer space in the
cut-out technique animation?
- Why Iranian artists are now more inclined to use this technique?
- Why nowadays the Iranian artist use more and more the traditional textures in this technique?
- What are the common points of Iranian painting and cut-out technique?
- Why the cut-out technique is the closest technique to the Iranian paintings in comparison with other
techniques that will be considered?
- What is the effect of computer on the Iran’s cut-out technique?
This paper is based on descriptive and analytical method and the way of data collection and classification
it has used by English and Persian related books, website, and submitted theses, also has
done some interviews with the expert people in this field. Finally, in the conclusion of this article, the
following items are proposed for improvement of applying cut-out technique in animation-making in
- Enlisting the specialist surveillance teams in the animation production centers.
- Appropriate using of this technique in animation productions.
- Utilization of the skilled, creative, qualified and experts in using the executive software of the
mentioned technique.
- Applying the appropriate stories with necessary characteristics for making of cut-out technique.
- Consultation with professionals in the film-making, especially ones with experiences in this technique.


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