Voice-Over Narration and the Study of Its Functions in Fiction Films

Document Type : Original Article



Cinema in elementary education is trying to convey the students, that using the voice over narration
is an unforgivable mistake. The voice over narration has been technique called in film to help convey
greater depth and meaning to the audience. Whereas on the one hand, there are several professionals
who see it as a crutch when the director or writer is unable to move along the storyline effectively
within a given scene. On the other hand, however, when it is used effectively, voice over narration
can be inserted as an active agent to help provide greater impact and understanding to the audience in
a way that a complex actor’s performance or scenery cannot convey. The voice over narration can be
a successful narrative technique only as long as it conveys something different from the visual narrative
and the narrative conveyed in the dialogue. “Double telling” is a successful device only if the
point of the narration is to highlight information or themes already expressed in the plot. The most
important function of voice over narration is to aid the cinematic narration. But this help is done in
wide and very diverse ways. The voice over narration can reveal the inner thoughts of cither the major
characters or the minor ones sometimes these inner thoughts reveal the special hidden ideas of issues
that wouldn’t be apparent without the voice. Narrating by the first person Voice over narration may
create a special intimacy between the audience and the narrator. In many ways voice over narration
allows the viewer to obtain more information compared even with the main characters depicted in the
story. Voice over narration takes audience from time to time and relates the segments to each other. In
many films that have been adapted from plays (pieces) or novels, it is choosed to retain certain parts
of the original narration, especially when it creates a voice of its own. Also the voice over narration
can be considered as a means to give depth to the psychological and intellectual aspects of narrative.
The voice over narration in the cinematic representation and the audience received of time includes a
direct effect. Sometimes this technique is used to create suspense, ambiguity and surprise; and sometimes
it creates ironic situations. In some cases plot going on through images and dialogues but the
voice over narration without regard to them explored the issues that made the multilayered structure
of the film and its enhances. Many different functions can be perceived for voice over narration. This
article, by exploring a variety of functions of voice over narration in the cinema, challenges the notion
that the use of this technique implies a find of weakness to the cinematic narration. To achieve this
purpose, it tries to present a practical as well as appropriate classification of the main functions of this
technique in fiction films. To clarify this discussion, several films are represented as the related examples
and the role of voice over narration in their narratives is studied. Finally it seems that the proper
use of voice over narration will express its positive role in cinematic expression


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