Kant’s Aesthetics Theory and Beauty of “The Birthday Party” by Harold Pinter: Applying the Subjective Theory of Immanuel Kant in Philosophical Aesthetics in “The Birthday Party” as the Objective

Document Type : Original Article


1 Art university of Tehran

2 Art university of tehran


Classic texts in philosophy are very important to shape the peoples thinking but this affection is commonly
indirect. Philosophers explain aspects of our life by their special terminology, and therefore
applying these explanations in specific subject is not possible. One of the most important philosophers
is Kant, and his “Critic of Judgment” is among the most important texts in this case. Applying the subjective
theory of Immanuel Kant in aesthetic, in propose of surveying an artistic item as the objective
acclaim of Beauty, is facing many obstacles such as no clearance regarding subjectivity and identity
in definition of Beau and the Art. Kant starts his analysis from human cognition and attempts to clear
the concept of Beau and the Art in this way. But this article attempts to remove some of these hinders.
Kant’s theory is very important in philosophy but it has problems for explanation of – for example
– a play. So, first of all, reviewing Kant’s definitions on Beau based on Quad Moments will be done.
Then the reputation of Kant regarding his system of aesthetic among the outstanding theories in history
of his aesthetic and philosophy of art will be presented. And after that, simulation the mechanism
of the human cognition for offering the judgment of taste in a metaphorical pattern, as well as the
concept of dialectic of taste-cognition will be introduced. The obtained system, using viewpoints of
“Hans-George Gadamer” about the similarity between the structure of art and play, will present three
objective aptitudes for beau based on subjective principles of Kant’s aesthetic which two aptitudes of
them are in negative way and the other one is in Exigency way. With default of Beauty as the inherent
property of art and by using this inductive system, the article tries to eliminate the basic bugs which
theory of contemporary Art extracts from the philosophic aesthetic. Using this method, and as a sample,
features of ‘The Birthday Party’ play by Harold Pinter which makes it meritorious as the Beautiful
to get judgment of taste, will be surveyed. Harold Pinter is a very important playwright in the history
of modern theatrical art, and “the Birthday Party” is a special case in his plays. Surveying this play can
clear several aesthetical aspects of modern plays. On the other hand Harold Pinter is a contemporary
artist and Kant is a philosopher in the Enlightenment. Finding a relation between the thoughts of these
two humanity stars in Philosophy and Art can help us to reconnoiter and exploration of more relations
between the worlds of philosophy and art.


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Kant’s Aesthetics Theory and Beauty of “The Birthday Party” by Harold Pinter: Applying the
subjective theory of Immanuel Kant in philosophical aesthetics in “The Birthday Party” as the
objective claim of beauty.