A study of the concept of the hero Trauerspiel from the point view Walter Benjamin in plays the Death of Yazdgerd by Bahram Beyzaie, and Sleep in an Empty Cup by Naghmeh Samini, and Galandarkhone by Iraj Saghiri

Document Type : Original Article


1 azad eslami olom tahghighat tehran

2 Assistant professor, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Department of art, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.



In this study, in order to achieve another definition of the hero, first the concept of the tragic and tragic hero is described in contrast to the Trauershpiel hero, then three plays The Death of Yazdgerd by Bahram Beizaei, Sleep in an Empty Cup by Naqme Samini, and Qalandarkhone by Iraj Saqiri are analyzed based on the concept of Trauershpiel hero from Walter Benjamin's point of view. In Benjamin's interpretation of Trauershpiel, there are three heroes (tyrannical ruler, conspirator, and martyr) who are like the three vertices of a triangle. A tyrannical ruler is a symbol of a powerful person in history who is unable to make decisions. The character of the conspirator is a symbol of power and politics that leads the martyr to death with conspiracy.
The research method is in the form of data collection and through a library study, which examines the concept of the hero of Trauershpiel in the three mentioned plays with a descriptive and analytical method. The analysis of The Death of Yazdgerd shows that the character of the despotic ruler sometimes complements the face of the conspirator and sometimes the upside-down face of the martyr, and also due to the narrative nature of the drama, the character of the conspirator is implied. The analysis of the drama Sleep in an Empty Cup indicates that the characters of the conspirator, the tyrannical ruler and the martyr are in repetition and rotation compared to the three objective characters of the present time and the three mental characters of the past time. The analysis of the Qalandarkhone demonstrates that due to the linearity of the dramatic narrative, the three Trauershpiel characters are not complementary and opposite to each other, and they do not cross the three vertices of a triangle. As a result, the characters of the two The Death of Yazdgerd and Sleep in an Empty Cup are the most compatible with the hero component of Trauershpiel play, because in addition to the alignment of the historical narrative with the dramatic text, the characters through the representation of the role, the repetition of the character, and the rotation of time from the past to the present, cross the three vertices of one triangle and the only difference is in the way the three vertices of a triangle are traversed by the play’s characters. Based on the study done, it is possible to find another hero for writing dramatic texts because the three heroes of Trauershpiel reflect the rulers on the stage and depict the powerlessness of the government and the power of the conspirators.
