Effective factors in the formation of value chain in the Iranian film industry

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member of Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan)

2 PhD student in Media Management, Isfahan Branch

3 Assisstant Professor, IAU Isfahan Branch



Cultural industries play an important role in increasing employment, and economic growth, strengthening national identity, and achieving sustainable development. Cinema, as one of the components of cultural industries, can lead to the prosperity and strengthening of art-industry and related arts, and consequently, the special capacity and capabilities of this communication media can also be used in Iranian cinema. Henry used it for economic gain. This will be the case if the economy of Iranian cinema can become what we know as the "cinema industry". Therefore, the present study was conducted to investigate the factors affecting the formation of the value chain in the Iranian film industry and the qualitative research method, the data method of the foundation. The statistical population included all experts in the field of cinema economics, university professors, producers, etc. The Research sampling method is theoretical. In this study, 15 experts were interviewed. An in-depth and unstructured interview method was used to collect information. Data were analyzed by collecting, coding, and analyzing the collected data. Data analysis and coding have been done through open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. To validate the research data, four GABA and Lincoln (1989) validity indices have been used. Some of the causal conditions mentioned in the research include the need to reform the current economic system in Iranian cinema, lack of economic view of the value chain in Iran, lack of knowledge and comprehensive local theory framework for the value chain in cinema, the need for market formation in the value chain and attention to marketing, the need to localize value chain issues in Iranian cinema, the need to localize value chain issues to determine the scope and classification of the film industry, the lack of soft and hard infrastructure in the Iranian value chain, the need to create a healthy economic platform and artery to operate in the chain The value of cinema is the important and reciprocal impact of the cinema value chain market on each other, market building as the main factor of power and expansion of the value chain in the film industry.
