Application of ‘Selection’ and ’Another in Me’ in The Lady From The Sea play by Henrik Ibsen based from Paul Valery’s perspective

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Theatre, Faculty of Arts, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

2 MA student in Dramatic Litriture, Faculty of art, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch



This article is an attempt to explain and present the definition of “Another in Me” based on Paul Valery’s discourse in “The Lady From The Sea” which is a play that was written by “Henrik Ibsen”. The main direction of article is the understanding of “Another in Me” in the “Symbolism” which was explained by Paul Valery. This article refers to Paul Valery’s poetry and prose for the deeper understanding of Valery’s Symbolism. Illustrating the concept of “Another in Me” on the main character of mentioned play, “Ellida” plus making turbulence and involvement between marine area and earthy area that leads to "selection”. Also for making this subject more objective and the better understanding put the Symbolism’s mechanism in the chart format. Therefore two other Characters of this play “Arnholm “ and “Sailor “ are two different faces of Ellida and because of the writer's ability to use literary elements have objective aspects in two other characters at the same time. The main character of this play apart from marine and earthy connection in the material world is in the connection and discovery with the inner world. The other related point is the explanation of Symbolism’s place in The Lady From The Sea based on the Freud’s approach, from this window the other two characters (Arnholm and Sailor) who are representations of two period of Ellida’s life – past and present – explanation again and their Symbolic aspects match with Ellida’s face, The result is obtained that Ellida’s truth is hidden beneath the two other Characters’ face. This essay that was written in the form of “Descriptive –Analytical” is an identity study from the inner world of the play "The Lady From The Sea" with consideration of spiritual journey and conduct of the main Character of the play “Ellida” and is an answer to this main question: why and how the main character of The Lady From The Sea between two facts of his life based on the concept of “Another in Me” accomplishes discovery of herself and her wish and then chooses and what is the outcome of her choice? Also the result of the process of confrontation and explanation of Valery’s theory in The Lady From The Sea is an important challenge of the main character of the play “Ellida” and the communication between the other characters (Arnholm and Sailor) to access the other area of herself.
