Three readings of the idea of "Goldone" in the play "Ms. Goldone" by Ismail Khalaj

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant prof at Department of Art and Architecture, University of Shiraz

2 Assistant Professor, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran

3 Master of Art studies, Dept. of Art and Architecture, University of Shiraz



Goldone/Goldones depicted in Ismail Khalaj's play "Ms. Goldone" - which is one of the most important works produced in the Iranian play workshop (1969-1979) - have a capacity for multiple interpretations. Because, they are embodied not in a single, but in multiple bodily forms. The method that ultimately leads to its semantic breadth. Hence, this work opens the door to various interpretations and readings for the audience. An opening that regains its cohesion as Goldone becomes the center of weightiness. That is, Goldone both opens the door and somehow escapes its breadth; because it is the central point and connecting link of the components.
With these explanations, in the present study, three readings of Goldone's idea – an idea, not a person - will be considered; One based on "language", the other with the centrality of "space" and finally with the focus on the "body" of Goldone. Selection of these three aspects has been inductive. In other words, the choice is based on the direct encounter with the play and based on the noticeable use of the author of these three aspects; and not based on a primary assumption and framework. It starts with the specifics to get to the general pattern. This is because it is in this way that we will be able to find an analysis commensurate with the coordinates associated with this particular work. Therefore, the main method of research formulation is inductive content analysis, and in terms of advancing the analysis, also descriptive-analytical method will be used.
Results pointed out that despite the apparent multiplicity of Goldones, they share some similar criteria that connected them. In each language, nostalgia is somehow visible. The past instills the idea of ​​morality and felicity in the character's presents. In the reading of space, all four show signs of the former ideal space that is now collapsing. The space is currently declining in the face of industrial and developed life. The analysis of the body also showed that the Goldones eventually embodied in the form of a common body named Zari. Zari's final movements, in the best possible manner, reveal the news of the disappearance and ruination of Goldone beyond a person. The moment of death and destruction of a collective idea. An idea which was embodied on the stage in the form of a female body.
