The Psychoanalytic Analysis of two Plays by Sarah Kane Emphasizing The Triple Stage in Jacques Lacans Personality Theories

Document Type : Original Article


1 theatre, Faculty of Civil, Architecture and Arts, Science and Research Branch, tehran, iran

2 Faculty of cinema and theatre, University of Art, tehran, iran



Sarah Kane is a British dramatist who appears to experience the advent of British drama writing. She has written five plays, each of which presents new features and deconstruction. Kane criticizes the world of contemporary violence with a taboo and censorship of violence, and the characters of her work are basically full of the complexity and hatred that the world has imposed on them. To analyze Kane's work, this study has selected Jacques Lacan's psychoanalytic look. Lacan did not integrate a person's identity and defined three imaginary, symbolic and real dimensions for identity. The first area that man experiences is the symbolic sphere defined by the mirror stage, and the narcissism stage is directly related to it. The next dimension of the symbolic domain, which at this stage is the subject with fundamental concepts, such as the Oedipal complex, the name of the father, and to form his identity, they have to leave them intact; the last is the field, which contains concepts such as trauma and jouissance. The data collection in this research is a library. This research, employing a descriptive-analytic method, concludes that Kane's works can be viewed with Lacan's psychoanalysis, and, specifically, the three areas he considered for identity were analyzed.
