Dramatic Interaction of Space and Architecture with Cinematic Image Based on Adaptive Study of Hans Belting's Views on the Medium of Cinema Case Study: Edward Scissorhands (Tim Burton)-1990

Document Type : Original Article


1 University of Art, Tehran, Iran

2 Cinema, Cinema and Theater, University of Art, Tehran, Iran



Cinematic image derived from the medium of cinema, through architecture and space, nowadays considered as "Architecture of Image", beyond film dialogues, plays a major role in creating meaning, communicating with the audience, developing the story, narrating and defining the characters of the film. Today, with the dramatic growth of the visual media, the definition, concept, and perception of the image, in comparison with previous attitudes, have changed significantly. Various theorists, by entering new areas of the image, have explored new ways of communicating images with the audience and reached new findings. For example, Hans Belting argues that the media is not a mediator for the image and proves that in the creation of the meaning and sense, the medium and the way its tools are used have the central role, not the image, and accordingly, one can manipulate and control the concept of the same image by changing the medium. In this research, Belting’s views were adapted to the image obtained by the medium of cinema and finally, as a case study, the dramatic interaction of architecture and space with cinematic image, as well as the achievement of the adaptation of Belting's views on the medium of cinema on Tim Burton's film Edward Scissorhands have been studied and analyzed.
