"Aesthetics of the new wave of Iranian cinema" Analysis of Stylistic and Aesthetic Categories of the New Wave of Iranian Cinema and its Relationship with Modern Iranian Literature and Art

Document Type : Original Article




The new wave of Iranian cinema was emerged from the growth of modernity and modernization of Iran and the world from the 1950s to the1970s. This current can be studied and analyzed as part of the modernization process in Iranian culture and art and under modern Iranian contemporary art. One way to study this relationship is to study the aesthetic and stylistic similarities between the new wave of Iranian cinema and the modern literary and artistic genres of contemporary Iran. The new wave of Iranian cinema covers a variety of stylistic and aesthetic practices. Various stylistic categories of filmmakers in this process can be applied based on the cultural and social context of the filmmaker's growth, social class, level of education, and the influence of cultural and literary currents of the time. This article first examines the common aesthetic tendencies in the mainstream and the pioneers of the new wave in the years (1959-1979). Then an analytical historical perspective examines the relationship between aesthetic and stylistic divisions in the new wave and its impact on the common aesthetic categories in modern Iranian literary and artistic currents from the decade (1950-1970) and discusses and concludes. According to the historical analysis and descriptive approach used in this paper, the research method of this paper can be considered as an analytical descriptive with a historical and sociological approach.


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