Hero's journey into the epic tragedy Based on the finale analysis - The show of the "Seven Great Sisters of the Petty-bourgeois" by Bertolt Brecht

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education, Farhangian University, Shahid Rajaee Campus, Shiraz



 “The Seven Deadly Sins of the Petty Bourgeoisie” Ballet is a narrative, epic, tragic and dialectical that uncovers the human reality in the apparently failed confrontation with the fate of the tragedy as reported by Lukach. The important point in this ballet-theater is the unification of the two genres of epic and tragedy in one unique work. In the next section, ballet-theater is analyzed from Benjamin viewpoint regarding the type of the dialectic in all three aspects of the work affected by Frankfurt School and of negative dialectic type. At last, the social-economic foundation of ballet is studied based on sacredness of the mundane labor of the protestants in the capitalistic society, and we will show that this conception of labor has two different functions in the journey of the character (as the objective) and in the tragedy (as the fate) Finally, we will actually get familiarized with the theatrical techniques of Brecht, such as spacing, catharsis elimination, the conflict between the player and the role, posing, fade off of the action and theme, etc.), in this ballet-theater.



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