Study of the Critical Function of Three Works in French New Wave Cinema and Self-Reflexivity of Cinema of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Scholar

2 Lecturer



Impact on Iranian cinema, as well as its understanding, this study attempts to reflect Iran's repertoire of the works in the cinematic critique of six works in the cinema of the French New Wave and its cinema. Two cinema from Iran and France.
It can be said that cinema, as the most influential art that depicts every thought and concept, was able to create a new wave with the aim of addressing the facts as a "new wave" that opposes any adaptation, imitation, repetition, and lie. This need for self-reflection and self-reflection made people more aware of the realities of their society without past barriers and pressures In order to achieve this intellectual, psychological and individual growth, one needs to doubt, investigate and investigate certain issues, to examine the basis of his beliefs in order to uncover the nodes formed within him, and his mental disorder To heal in order to reach peace with himself and restore his existential truth And it shares its inner peace with the world; it is thus manifesting itself to the world as it is in reality; it is self-reflective of the fact that the new wave of cinema has to be considered in order to achieve its goal, the reality of the world. Getting self-reflective is in his works, and self-reemergence is an inseparable part of the new wave of cinema..Because the new wave of French cinema reflects itself as a phenomenon of "transcendentalism", it seeks to clearly and transparently display its codes and structural elements, and has many functions, most notably its critical function. Regarding the nature of the subject, the study of the critical work of three self-reflective cinematic effects of Persia Khimavi's "Mongols", "That night, when Baron came" by Kamran Shirdel, "Close-Up" by Abbas Kiarostami, and three French New Year's " Truffaut, "Everything Going" by Jean-Luc Godard and Pierre Gourin, "Summer Memories" by Jean-Method, a type of descriptive-analytical research method and methods for collecting library information in the form of searching in scientific articles and books. Other tools of this research are observable. The research findings show that, Considering the world's need for a new approach to cinema and the emergence of a "New Wave Cinema", it is worth noting that in a world of this massive amount of communication and the pace of transmission, and given that humans inevitably had to adapt themselves to such a speed Forward, they may be subject to stress, confusion and superficiality, and compulsory exposure to the environment due to this wide range; To overcome these problems and prevent deep mental and psychological splits, they need to be self-aware and recognize their own weaknesses and strengths. In this regard, cinema, due to its wide extent in the world, has the greatest power of rapid, effective and profound transitions on people to enlighten the light of reason and awareness, to understand and accept duality, reality and truth in the world, and to have a peaceful attitude toward Reality and the world.


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